Places and functions | |
2024-2025 | Secretary of Plenary Council of the Order Assisi 2025, Italy |
2024-2025 | Vice Secretary of the Chapter of the Mats of the Order Assisi 2025, Italy |
2024-present | Secretary of Formation and Studies OFM of the Conference North Slavic (SLAN) |
2023-present | Secretary of UFME (Union of Friars Minors of Europe) |
2022-2023 | General visitator of the Province of Saint Mary of the Angels in Poland |
2022 | General visitator of the General curia of the Order of Friars Minor in Rome |
2021 | Expert at the Chapter of the Mats of the Province of. St. Vaclav, Uherské Hradiště, Czech Republic |
2020 | Expert at the Provincial Chapter of Province of Immaculate Conception, Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, Poland |
2019-2020 | General visitator of the Pontifical University Antonianum in Rome |
2019-2022 | Animator of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation in the Province of Assumption of BVM in Poland |
2019-2022 | Definitor in the Province of Assumption of BVM in Poland |
2016-present | Guardian in Katowice-Panewniki, Poland |
2013-2015 | Assistant General of the General Chapter OFM, Assisi, Italy |
2011-2012 | Secretary of the Chapter of the Mats of Friars “Under 10”, Guadalajara, Mexico |
2010-2015 | Member of the Commission „Fidelity and Perseverance”, Rome, Italy |
2009-2015 | Vice Secretary General for Formation and Studies in the General Curia OFM, Rome, Italy |
2009 | Participant in the Extraordinary Chapter of the Mats, Assisi, Italy |
2006-2009 | Secretary of the North Slavic Conference OFM |
2005-present | Assistant Professor at St. Bonaventure Franciscan Seminary, Katowice-Panewniki, Poland |
2004-2009 | Director of vocations in the Province of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Poland |
2004-2009 | Director of the Franciscan Youth-Vocational Center “Three Companions”, Chorzów-Klimzowiec, Poland |
2004-2009 | Guardian in Chorzów-Klimzowiec, Poland |
2004-2009 | Definitor in the Province of Assumption of BVM in Poland |
2003-2004 | Vice Director of vocations in Chorzów-Klimzowiec, Poland |
2003-2004 | Vicar of the friary in Chorzów-Klimzowiec, Poland |
2000-2001 | Director of vocations in the Province of the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary in Poland |
2000-2001 | Guardian in Pereto-Rocca di Botte, Italy |
2000 | Expert at the International Meeting for Vocational Directors OFM, Assisi, Italy |
1994-1995 | Parochial vicar and religious formation teacher, Katowice-Panewniki, Poland |
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