Working languages:
Polish A (native)
Italian B+
English B
Spanish B
Voice over: Polish (native accent)
Proficiency: Russian, Portuguese
Interpreting Experience:
- Inauguration of Franciscan 800th Anniversary of Canticle of the Creatures, online, for Justice, Peace and Integration of Creation (GPIC), from Italian into Polish, consecutive.
- Visit of General Minister of OFM and General Definitory at SLAN Conference, Czech Republic-Poland 2024, chuchotage from Polish, consecutive.
- Spiritual exercises of Father Benedetto Labate CPPS for Missionaries of Precious Blood of Christ, Częstochowa, 2024, simultaneous/consecutive.
- Visit of General Minister of OFM in the Province of Assumption of BVM in Poland, Chorzów-Katowice 2024, chuchotage from Polish.
- Workshop for the newly elected provincial ministers, General Curia OFM, Rome, 2023, simultaneous.
- Visit of General Minister of OFM in the Province of Saint Mary of the Angels, Warszawa-Kraków 2023, consecutive.
- Conference and dialogue of General Minister of OFM with guardians, Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, 2022, consecutive.
- Spiritual exercises of Fr. Barry Fischer CPPS for Missionaires of Precious Blood of Christ, Częstochowa, 2022, simultaneous/consecutive.
- International meetings for protection of children CPPS, online, Zoom, simultaneous/consecutive.
- General Chapter of the Polish Congregation of Cistercians Fathers, Szczyrzyc, 2021, consecutive/escort.
- Visit of General Abbot of Cistercians Fathers, Szczyrzyc, 2021, consecutive/escort.
- Conference Global OFM – GPIC&GSFS, on-line, Rome, 2020, simultaneous.
- Homiletic interpreting of Fr. Firas Lufti OFM – guardian of Aleppo, Syria, Katowice-Panewniki, 2018, consecutive.
- Visit of General Superior of Order of the Ministers of the Sick, Tarnowskie Góry, 2018, consecutive.
- Provincial meeting of Missionaries of Precious Blood, Częstochowa, 2017, consecutive.
- Homiletic interpreting of Missionaries of Precious Blood, Częstochowa, 2017, consecutive.
- Spiritual retreat of Missionaries of Precious Blood, Częstochowa, 2017, simultaneous.
- European Meeting of Missionaries of Precious Blood, Salzburg, 2016, consecutive.
- Visit of the Minister General OFM, Katowice-Panewniki, Chorzów, Poland, 2016, consecutive.
- Meeting of Pope Francis with youth, World Youth Day, Kraków (Błonia/Brzegi), 2016, simultaneous.
- Meeting of the Minister General OFM with young brothers, Taizé, France, 2014, consecutive.
- Meeting of the Secretary General for Missions and Evangelization OFM with brothers in initial formation, Katowice-Panewniki, 2011, consecutive.
- Meeting of the Secretary General for Formation and Studies OFM with brothers in initial formation, Katowice-Panewniki, 2011, consecutive.
- Meeting of Franciscan Provincials of the North-Slavic Conference and Confres, Kijów, Ucraine, 2007, consecutive.
- Franciscan Youth Meeting (FYM), Assisi, Italy, 2007, simultaneous.
- Meeting of the Franciscan Provincials of the North-Slavic Conference and Confres, Madrid, 2006, consecutive.
- Visit of the Minister General OFM, Chorzów, Poland, 2005, consecutive.
- Masters’ meeting of the North-Slavic Conference OFM, Warsaw, Poland, 2004, simultaneous.
- Spiritual retreat for Masters CPPS, Giano dell’Umbria, Italy, 2003, simultaneous.
- Formation for Masters CPPS, Rome, Italy, 2003, simultaneous.
- International Council for the Missions and Evangelization OFM, Jerusalem, Israel 1999, simultaneous.